The Improv Round Dance follows Schnitzler's model, with two characters on stage at a time. Each scene features different characters, and the order is unpredictable. Actors construct a story based on audience members' personal details, jumps in time allowed. Unlike Schnitzler, the central figure may appear in multiple scenes.
Player must avoid predefined letter during on-stage speech; if uttered, faces replacement as punishment. Example: Letter "s" forbidden.
Players form a semicircle, taking turns telling and improving stories with exclamations or suggestions. "I've got a better idea" interrupts for new story directions.
One person dominates a singing game, repeating the chorus until drowning others. Unnoticed, another adds compatible verses and refrain, followed by more participants concluding with the chorus.
Two or more players copy a volunteer's body postures and gestures, freezing in place. They must maintain these positions until the next figure arises naturally from the scene. The game continues until figures conclude. Difficulty lies in creating postures that seem natural.
Peekabooker (ImproPoker): Long-format game using a deck of cards and chart. Audience sets scene year, determines mortal sin focus and special moment. Interactive storytelling at festivals since Turgi Switzerland.